
The Company

Capellaweb is a Design Company specializing in Branding, Websites and Online Courses.

It was founded and is run by Eduardo Capella, a brazilian designer graduated in PUC-RJ and owner of Haut.

What is Capellaweb’s commitment to you?


We create a Brand concept and design in several medias and objects it’s ideas and values. We create logos, business cards, email signatures, letterheads, flyers, folders, t-shirts, postcards, Social Network images, posters and many others, pressed or digital, asked by the clients.


We develop websites in WordPress with semantic HTML5, CSS3, PHP and jQuery. Usability and UX are essential for our team and all page codes validated according to W3C rules. All sites are responsive so the users may have a good experience in tablets and smartphones. We also make a initial/basic SEO setup.

Online Courses

We create the design and interface for online courses and learning activities as well. Our biggest client in this area is FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas), leader producer of Online Courses in Brazil.

Eduardo Capella - Capellaweb
Eduardo Capella, Capellaweb’s founder


Create empathy with our clients to develop unique high quality Brands for our clients, as well as connecting as many people as possible to remarkable experiences and ideas that may somehow contribute to the development of our society.


Over the next fiver years Capellaweb will be among the most remarkable design companies in Rio de Janeiro.


  • empathy;
  • punctuality;
  • commitment;
  • organisation;
  • professionalism;
  • full respect for our clients, for the clients of our clients, employers, trainees, contributors and, above all, justice;
  • open minded;
  • updated and connected to the world;
  • always do the best for our clients.